Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Inspiration

There are many people in my life that inspire me, and today I want to highlight one such person. I usually don't blog about my kids... I try to respect their privacy... All three of my kids are SO AWESOME and unique, but my youngest gave me permission to blog about her today.

Lexi is my baby, and she recently turned 15. She inspires me because she has an incredible 'can do' spirit, is an extremely hard worker, and never, ever, gives up.

Lexi has some pretty significant learning issues. As a mom, I noticed it when she was about 2 yrs. old. I knew she wasn't learning and doing stuff "on schedule." I put this on the back burner of my mind, but I just knew in my gut that we would someday face an uphill battle when she started school. Mind you, this wasn't obvious to anyone
but me...

Let me just say, we have done it all... Private Christian schools, homeschool, Charter schools, the works. Each of these places had great challenges. She's been through lots of testing, lots of tutoring... you name it, we've done it. She and I could seriously write a book about her experiences. We finally settled in a public charter school for her middle school years, and it was the first place she felt accepted for who she was. She thrived there, but her absolute goal was to go to "regular" school, with no extra help, and no labels.

All this to say... yesterday she had her first day in our local high school. She is going in there with no extra help, and even got put in Honors History, because all the other classes were full. This did NOT deter her in any way... she is always ready for any challenge. Because of all she's been through, she has great empathy for struggling kids. Not long ago, some kids at church were making fun of another student because she was 'different'. Lexi really let them have it. I was so proud of her. She will approach anyone with a smile, regardless of race, religion, economic status, or disabilities.

So here's to my brave and beautiful daughter. She is willing to try anything once, and faces her challenges with sheer grit and determination. I want to be more like her.

Here are some snapshots of her in action.

Disney girl

Florida girl... teaching herself to skimboard.

On a mission trip with mom in Peru.

Skateboarding in action. She set up the camera herself!!!

New experiences in Japan!

So Lexi, good luck in your new endeavor. I know you'll do great!

Thanks for reading...


myletterstoemily said...

thanks, lexi, for letting your mom share. it was very
inspiring. of my five children, two had some learning
issues. just like you, they found their way.


Rebecca Lewis said...

How Exciting ~ You are right she is awesome! All the best ~ Rebecca

Cathi said...

What a beautiful and inspiring post, Teri.....thanks for sharing!

Like you, I want to be like my daughter, when I grow up...aren't they amazing human beings...

Your daughter sounds like an awesome person - good luck to her in high school! :)

char said...

Congratulation Lexi, your new High School is lucky to have you. No more dull lunches, Lexi is here!

You are so special, funny, exciting, beautiful, smart, kind, accepting, daring, never boring, and to top it off you are so fashion concious! Thank goodness, I wouldn't want you to have to critique your own clothes.

Teri, you deserve "Mother of The Year," or the decade. You hang on through it all and never give up on making a difference. Congratulations!

Whatever Is Lovely said...

Here's to Lexi!! Congratulations! Lexi.. You sound like one Awesome Girl!!! ( & Your Mom is Pretty Awesome too!) May God Bless you & Keep you Close in Everything you do in Life!!

Big Hugs & Blessings Always!
~ Teresa

Deanne said...

Your toast to Lexi is an inspiration to me!! What a wonderful thing that you, as a mom, can 'look up' to your child! I know you both and believe you both will continue to inspire and bring joy to others! Beautiful pictures of a beautiful girl, too. Inside and out, of course!!

The Flying Bee said...

First, thank you to Lexi for allowing you to share. What an inspirational post! This post means so much to me because of my situation with my son. We are going through some things right now and just reading this gives me so much hope and joy! I am so happy for Lexi and you, Teri!

Blessings to you both!


A Tale of Two Cities said...

What am amazing daughter you've raised! I expect that as she has been inspiring you, you've been a great inspiration to her too. She is beautiful in so many ways.

Thanks for sharing,

Stephanie said...

What a beautiful young lady! Those eyes!!! Aside from being gorgeous she sounds truly determined and has a kind heart. What more could you ask for? You must be so proud!

Diane said...

A very, very heartwarming post! I couldn't agree more. Lexi is such an inspiration on so many levels, and may I add ... also very beautiful -- from the top of her gorgeous head, to the tip of her skateboarding toes, to the core of her precious heart! She's such a special girl who will do great things in life.

I would describe Lexi as: "Determined with a heart." What a great combination!

And, you, Teri, are not only an inspiration to me, but also one of the sweetest blessings in my life.

I applaud you for the wonderful job you have done and are continuing to do being Lexi's mom -- her inspiration for so many reasons, I'm sure.


TeriGigi/Girl Meets Paris said...

Thanks everyone for all your AWESOME comments. Lexi hated the pictures I chose of her... but loved all your comments.

Day 2 in high school... still good. We just finished one hour of algebra. My brain is tired!


Cherry Blossoms said...

What a strong and beautiful daughter you have. Coming from a school social worker she has a lot to be proud of and of the role model she is becoming for others.

LuLu said...

Oh Teri you have such an amazing and beautiful daughter. She gets her strength from such loving parents she has. Children teach us soooo much. Thank you for sharing your daughter's story, it's so inspiring,

BonjourRomance said...

Thank you for sharing this inspiring story about your beautiful daughter Lexi. Congratulations on the new school, I know she will do just fine! Teri you must be so proud!
Lexi, how lucky to have such a sweet Mom, and these pictures are fabulous!
Bon weekend to you both!

*The Beautiful Life* said...

Hi Teri & Lexi!
First of all, HOW did I miss this new post you had up -for days??
I am SO glad I found it this morning!!
LEXI-GIRL! I am SOOO proud of you for "letting them have it" as your mom said. :)
Normally, we don't wanna let people "have it" but in your case, well done!
I have always told your mom how GORGE I think you and now I see the real INNER beauty in you too!! Wow.
Hey, Lex -- if I ever get my new store opened you're workin' for ME! (Your mom can, too, if she wants). (hee -hee!).
Teri, thanks so much for sharing Lexi with us -- what a treasure she is. What a beauty!!!
XOXO to you both!

Jenny said...

Dear Teri and Lexi...what a sweet post. Thank you for sharing and inspiring. High School is a big venture for ANYONE and I hope and pray the adventure continues to be character building and encouraging and of course fun. God Bless you Teri and your lovely family.

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

What a beautiful post and what a beautiful girl! Your daughter seems like she has such a good spirit and will definitely go places in life! I wish her the best of luck in her new school! Jennifer:)

Simply Colette said...

Best of luck to Lexi! What a beautiful girl. She's got a great mom to help succeed. :) xoxo

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