Friday, January 1, 2010

Pardon This Interruption Please...

Ok... so... (have you ever noticed how I like to start my blog off like we are in the middle of a conversation?)...

I was sitting in church Sunday, and as I do every year this time of year, I was thinking about the past, present, and future. What did I accomplish this year? Where did I fail? Where do I want to improve next year?

I was thinking these things during the singing, and all of the sudden, I heard the words to a simple praise song, that I had heard a thousand times, but the words touched me in a new way.
Here they are:

He knows my name...
He knows my every thought...
He sees each tear that falls...
and He hears me when I call.

I began thinking how over the past few months, I've had my own agenda, my own thoughts, my own plans. Oh, sure, I prayed... but I realized in my heart, that for sometime now, these prayers were thrown up, without too much thought, so I could get on with MY plans.

Wow... how's that for honesty?

I asked you to pardon this interruption of all things Parisian... I even added these words to my blog banner, "...and other random thoughts" so I could occasionally blog about other things...
But these are not random thoughts, they hit my like a ton of bricks. Even though I've been busy, busy, busy, He is STILL there, He still knows my name, my every thought, He sees my happiness and my tears...
and He cares!

So as I thought about who's birthday we just celebrated, I thought about my relationship with Him... it's lacking right now...

He didn't move, I did.

So really without saying it, I guess you know my goals for 2010. They are to keep
the main thing the main thing.
I know this post is different... thanks for sticking with me. For some reason, I felt someone, somewhere, might need to hear this as much as I did.

I leave 2009 with this one final thought..

How precious are your thoughts about me O God!
They are innumerable!
I can't even count them;
they outnumber the grains of sand!
And when I wake up in the morning,
you are still with me!
Psalm 139:17-18

Here's to a fantastic and exciting 2010!



BonjourRomance said...

Bonjour Teri,
You said it perfectly. That was a beautiful song and so true. We do need to keep the main thing the main thing!
Here's to a fabulous 2010!

Cherry Blossoms said...

Just the inspiration I needed to read to start off the new year! Happy 2010 and may it be a wonderful year.

Anonymous said...

I really, REALLY did need to hear this! Thank you so much.

char said...

Well said and so timely. We all need to be reminded that He indeed does know our name and our every thought. That is very sobering to me. You are an inspiration to me which is too great for words.
I love you!

Anonymous said...

I can never be reminded too many times how I need to keep Christ first in my life. It can only take a moment of distractions to get me off track. Thank you for the reminder of what truly is the most important thing.

Looking forward to a year of fellowship and friendship with the Savior on new and deeper levels.

And to all you sweet ladies that write in on this blog, blessings to you and your families.

Encouragement helps inspire the soul, and Teri has a gift of doing that very well. I'm so blessed to call her friend.


Jenny said...

Amen to that. Blessings to you and yours. Happy new year to you Teri!

Jen said...

Thanks Teri- a beautiful sentiment and a very timely and meaningful quote. Happy New Year to you and yours!

Kelly said...

Teri, all I can say is....AMEN! I so relate. Keeping the main thing the main thing is sometimes a challenge. I am right there with ya, girl! My heart's desire is to make Him known! In my own heart...and to others. Love you!!

A Tale of Two Cities said...

To think that He knows my name is such an awesome thought--almost more than I can imagine. How blessed we are to be his daughters and to be able to call him Father.


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