Monday, January 11, 2010

Sweet Award


I got an award from Dreaming In Pink With Roses. She is a doll. Love her blog... check her out!

I will be passing this on to others when I have time...

Now the rules state I'm to list 10 things about me, but I talk about myself ad-nauseam, so I will list 10 things I love...

1. The Lord, prayer, Bible study class

2. My family and friends

My friends and I at our annual Christmas party.

3. Paris, London

4. Blogging, Facebook, meeting all of you even, if it's only online

5, The beach, the sand, the sun

6. Pearls

7. Audrey
8. Jeans and a black tee

9. My wedding day weight

10. People that are honest, real and transparent

And drumroll, #11, last but not least, is my husband Scott. He did something for me today that I can't even type (I'm not that transparent) because it was so lame that I wouldn't do it for myself.

Ever let the grip of fear take over, and then feel like a fool?

That was me today... Then I sent him quite a few text messages thanking him for being SO sweet and understanding (ok... the look on my face kinda gave him no choice) and he sent me a text message back...

"Please stop texting me, someone has to make a living around here... I'm working!"

How DOES he put up with me???

He should be getting the award!

Lost in Lameville~

I'm supposed to be blogging about one more movie, and my guest bath, but my camera is on the blink...actually it just needs charging, but can't find the right wire :()


The Flying Bee said...

Congrats on the award! I like learning all these little things about you. Cute pic, too!

Aren't we so blessed to have such great hubby's!


Kori said...

Congrats on your award honey! You truly deserve it! Thanks for your sweet comments on my tour post. I love those Chuck Taylor's...can't get rid of em' lol. Have a great Tuesday honey. Kori xoxo

A Tale of Two Cities said...

Love hearing more about what you love! I could echo many of those. Wish you were here with me right now if you love the beach. We're in Los Cabos, "forced" to come on business, and loving it!


TeriGigi/Girl Meets Paris said...

Scott has been there on 2 business trips, and I wasn't able to go either time :(

Have a blast... soak up some sun for me. It's been unseasonably cold here in Florida!

Simply Colette said...

Congrats on your award! Hope you had a wonderful holiday season and wish you a Happy New Year. :) I missed being in blog land and excited to get back into the swing of things. :)

Simply Colette said...

You so cracked me up on the comment you left me! :) I love your show ideas. Aww... when is your B-day? My mom turned 50 a year and half ago, I took her to the Sir Francis Drake hotel in San Fran for the night. What fun!! :)

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