Thursday, April 21, 2011

Romantic Tip of the Day

At our wedding reception.

I have found that with all the stress and pressure of what Scott and I are going through right now, I have to be very deliberate about our day to day relationship, or it's really going to suffer. Starting with our first trip to Paris, we have become much more romantic in our lives. This has continued for the past five years, and it really, truly makes life sweet. Here's just a small romantic tip I think you might enjoy. Let me know if you have any great romantic tips...I am on the lookout ;)

I also did a Perfect Nude Lipstick Review on my here if you are interested.

Have an awesome Easter!  Our daughter leaves on a mission trip to Brazil TONIGHT, and Scott took next week off, so we are going to have a lazy week of laying by the pool and eating out... sounds like a winner to me!



myletterstoemily said...

scott is totally blessed to have you for a wife,
and we are amazingly blessed to have your
wonderful beautify tips! i love all your videos.

i will be praying for sweet lexie and her big
brazilian trip!

A Tale of Two Cities said...

Terrific idea, Teri! I have recently discovered Adele myself, and now that I know about her, she is making news all the time. I need to buy some of her songs now.

I bought the Olay Body Wash--at your suggestion and I'm giving it a go.

The LIttle Prince has arrived, and I hope to blog about him soon.

Happy Easter!

Meagan said...

I love your review videos and your updated mix tape idea. Keep up the good work!!

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