To My Sweet Friend...
This weekend is Ruth’s birthday...from The Beautiful Life...link on my sidebar. She is an awesome friend in blogland, but I actually know her in real life. She encouraged me to start my blog, and it’s been really fun. She also loves all things French. I noticed her at church one day, with a beautiful purse, that said, "Paris." Our friendship began then and there.
Here’s a little piece of Paris just for you Ruth. These shots were taken at Laduree’s on the Champs-Elysées. Pardon the reflections, but it does show a little bit more of Paris!
So sorry, but I haven't figured out yet why some of my pics come out larger than others. Sometimes, you can click on a pic to get a closer view, and sometimes you can't. Bear with me! I know these are almost too small to enjoy!
Just so no one thinks I think I’m “all that”...Scott and I have passed Laduree’s countless times. We went in only once, and it was so packed, we left. Sometimes it takes such nerve to walk in a new place in Paris, when you aren’t sure of the 'procedure.'
What’s the deal? There’s a long, long, incredible glass case full of the most wonderful pastries. It looks like a 'to go' line, but then, I remember seeing Samantha Brown (Travel channel) sitting and eating at a table. I think I also remember seeing Paula Deen (Food Network) walking around, with her Laduree pastries, on the street. Oh, the feeling of being left out of a secret club!
Can you get your stuff and go?
Do you order from the case and sit down and wait?
Do you sit down and wait for a menu and eat at a table?
These are the burning questions in my mind...
I told you Scott and I were like the blind leading the blind. If someone will fill me in, I will visit Laduree’s in Sept. and blog about it...
every. last. detail!
Next Blog..."Number four" riddle solved.